How to make your IBM laptop a wireless hotspot?
Step 1 -> This is the main of the application below, if your current computer is connected to Internet via LAN and you want to turn current computer into a COMPUTER HOTSPOT, select the button "Click here to setup your computer as a COMPUTER HOTSPOT". Then if you want to find how to connect to your COMPUTER HOTSPOT from other laptops or devices, select the button "Click here to connect to COMPUTER HOTSPOT".
Step 2 -> Application will auto-detect the connections but sometimes fail to choose the correct ones. So you can manually select the LAN connection through which Internet goes live to Internet, and select the wireless connection which will broadcast a Wi-Fi signal like a hotspot. Then click "Start Hotspot" button.
Step 3 ->After the step 2, your laptop hotspot should be working. This form below indicates the way how to connect to your laptop hotspot.

What do our customers say about laptop to wireless hotspot converter software?
I was wondering if it's possible to use a laptop/or computer as a wifi hotspot if the laptop or computer connected to the Internet by a LAN (ADSL).
I have a broadband connection with unlimited data plan that I use to connect my home laptop or computer to the Internet. It is a wired Internet
now that I'm connected. I want to share my Internet connection with my iPhone or another computer by creating a WIFI Hotspot.
I was looking for a software to create a WIFI hotspot on a Laptop that is connected through a broadband and use it on another device such as iPhone or iPad. The I found this laptop to hotspot converter software. And it works on my laptop. Now I can let my iPhone connect to Internet via my laptop's hotspot. Thanks for a great software.
SteveWoods - New York, US
With this, we don’t need a wireless router. We don’t need NetGear. Why buy something to do what this can do? AND my wireless router itself isn’t wireless, but this program sure is! One laptop PC connected to Clear ISP wireless broadband taken in the car, can also connect my granddaughters laptop to the net. And cellphones that have internet possible, without paying another huge fee. This can be a life saver! It’s a wonderful idea & the 1st I’ve seen of anything like it. I’m thrilled!
DavidHalley - Illinois, US